Faith Greenhouses

Variegated String Of Buttons 4”

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Grown on site at Faith Greenhouses

Plant Care & Growth*: 

Size and Growth
The necklace plant may grow a few inches each year. In the wild, the long stems may reach up to 30′ feet in length. When grown indoors or in a container, they may only reach four to six feet. Crassula Perforata has a strong root system, it is fast growing, with sturdy stems spreading outward, producing thick, square-shaped foliage. The succulent foliage has a distinct appearance. When viewed from a distance, they look like small spirals. Some people describe them as beads or buttons, which is why it’s called the necklace plant or the string of buttons.
Flowering and Fragrance
The string of buttons does produce flowers. However, they are small and have no scent. The flowers are typically only a quarter of an inch in size. These small, star-shaped pink or pale-yellow flowers bloom in the spring. Keep in mind that this plant doesn’t always flower. If spring comes and goes without flowers, it doesn’t mean that the plant is dying.
Light and Temperature
The String of Buttons Crassula doesn’t tolerate freezing temperatures or extreme humidity. Outside of the American Southwest, it should be grown indoors. Temperatures between 15-21 C are recommended throughout the year. If possible, give Crassula perforata indirect sunlight (partial sun) throughout the day. Plants look better when given light shade instead of full sun. When placed indoors, any window other than a south-facing window with direct sunlight should work fine. In an outdoor setting, ensure that the plant gets at least four hours of solid, bright sunlight.
Watering and Feeding
Like most succulents, the necklace plant can retain water. It doesn’t require frequent watering. In fact, it’s a good idea to let the plant dry out between watering. If necessary, add liquid fertilizer every two weeks throughout the growing season. The fertilizer should be diluted to one-third strength.
Soil and Transplanting
The necklace plant requires soil with good drainage. Standard potting soil with added sand should offer the right conditions. Transplanting is needed if the plant outgrows its current container. Repotting is also recommended every three years, to get rid of the old soil. If transplanting the Perforata String of Buttons is necessary it should get moved in the early spring, just before the active growing season starts.
Maintenance and Grooming
To manage the growth, trim it back. The easy to grow plant can be trimmed any time of the year if the stems start to get too long.


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